Spike Jonze’s Wild Things! (@ …
Spike Jonze’s Wild Things! (@ AMC Bay Street 16 in Emeryville) http://bit.ly/dr0uY
Spike Jonze’s Wild Things! (@ AMC Bay Street 16 in Emeryville) http://bit.ly/dr0uY
this is one of those moments – the falling fog exposes only Yerba Buena and low tide on the mud flats shines into a diffuse atmosphere.
@davewiner because I’m on the cusp of getting the same…
@davewiner I think it was your brand new 13″ MacBook Pro
falafel time (@ Liba in Emeryville) http://bit.ly/7D5Ro
Huge fan of @jonathanames HBO series “Bored to Death” #boredtodeath. So grateful that God made TiVo.
@pinkarmycoop yep, and I thought of you. Not sure how this will work. I get all sorts of hassle posting with foursquare.